Hot Springs: Trials and Triumphs of a Resort City

What: Hot Springs: Trials and Triumphs of a Resort City
When: June 15, 2023, at 12:30 pm
Where: Coronado Community Center Auditorium, 150 Ponderosa Way, Hot Springs Village, AR
Who: All Ages
No Registration

This program is sponsored by the Garland County Library, Coronado Center Library, and Garland County Historical Society.

Join Garland County Historical Society Executive Director, Liz Robbins, at the Coronado Center Auditorium for her presentation “Hot Springs: Trials and Triumphs of a Resort City”. She will provide a brief overview of Hot Springs during its heyday and will conduct a Q&A session afterwards. If you are a new member of the community, or want to know more about Hot Springs, this program is for you!

About the presenter:
Executive Director Liz Robbins is a native of Hot Springs, Arkansas. She graduated from the University of Arkansas with a BSE in Education and from New Mexico Highlands University with an MA in English and history. Liz taught English for thirty-seven years, the last twenty-six at Lakeside High School in Hot Springs. Since 2007, Liz has been the executive director of the Garland County Historical Society, and she is the editor of its yearly journal, The Record. She is a past board member of the Arkansas State Archives.